Bodhi Surf + Yoga

Yoga breathing
/ Jun 30

Pranayama: Control of the Breath

This is part four of “Following the Eight-Limbed Path”, a series about Ashtanga yoga, read part three here Inhale. Exhale. Repeat. Breathing is something that comes naturally — we breathe without even…

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Yoga asana child's pose
/ May 23

Asana: Control of the Body

This is part three of “Following the Eight-Limbed Path”, a series about Ashtanga yoga, read part two here I roll out my mat when it’s still dark outside, the birds are still…

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Sunset Marino Ballena National Park
/ May 20

10 Breathtaking Photos from the Marino Ballena National Park

The Marino Ballena National Park was Costa Rica’s first national marine park and is one of the jewels in the country’s national park system. Bodhi Surf + Yoga resides within the community of Bahia…

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Southern Costa Rica waterfall
/ Mar 31

Visiting Nauyaca Waterfalls: Hiking or On Horseback

The Nauyaca Waterfalls are a gem of the Southern Pacific Zone of Costa Rica, and you have an opportunity to visit them either by horseback tour or by hike. The tour company and…

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Bodhi Surf's Fun Lover
/ Mar 14

Adrianne: Sassy Socialite and Storyteller

Adrianne is the youngest founding member of Bodhi Surf, and as such, it is only fitting that she be Bodhi Surf’s vibrant socialite and witty storyteller, both on and offline. These innate…

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Community of Bahia Ballena
/ Feb 24

What You Need to Know About Zika if Traveling to Costa Rica

In January, 2016, reports of the “new” mosquito-borne Zika virus started making waves around the globe amid speculations that it may be linked to a birth defect called microcephaly as well as the…

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Caño Island boat tour
/ Feb 15

Snorkel Trip to Cano Island

Embark upon an all-day, island-hopping adventure with Bahía Aventuras, a locally owned tour company that is dedicated to sustainable marine practices. Explore the aquamarine waters of one of the top-rated snorkeling destinations…

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Historical building Bahia Ballena
/ Feb 8

Get to Know Bahia Ballena: Community Walking Tour

Take a walking tour of Bahía Ballena, a community that went from being a small fishing village to one that borders a marine national park and relies heavily on tourism. Walk about…

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/ Sep 3

10 Interesting Facts About El Niño

Contrary to what Chris Farley may have you believe, El Niño is more than just Spanish for “The Niño”. El Niño is actually a semi-regular intervallic large scale warming of the Pacific Ocean….

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/ Aug 28

Nonstop Flights to Costa Rica

Ecotourism is rapidly gaining popularity. Whether that means choosing a destination for its nature based activities, or making choices that allow you to have a lower carbon footprint, people are looking for…

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