The Bodhi Blog

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Editor's Pick
Plant based meals at Bodhi Surf + Yoga
, / May 19, 2022

The Best Places to Eat in Uvita, Costa Rica

More often than not when our guests book with us here at Bodhi Surf + Yoga, they email us asking about our home, Bahia Ballena – Uvita. What’s the most common thing we get asked about? Food! It’s only right that, as food lovers ourselves, we create a comprehensive guide for where to eat here in…

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/ Jan 18, 2024

Dharana — Concentration of the Mind

Dharana is translated as a concentration of the mind and is the sixth limb of the eightfold path of Ashtanga Yoga. The goal of Dharana is to improve focus and is the…

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pranayama yoga hero image
/ Dec 28, 2023

Pranayama — Breath Control

Practicing Pranayama means controlling the movement of the breath — the inhalation, exhalation, and pausing or holding of the breath. In Sanskrit, “Prana” means vital energy, while “Yama” means to extend; we…

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Asana yoga hero image
/ Dec 21, 2023

Asana — Physical Postures

The History of Asana Asana is the third limb of the eightfold path of Ashtanga and the practice most people think of when they hear the word “yoga.” Only a tiny part…

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best surfing movies hero image
/ Dec 19, 2023

The 11 Best Surfing Movies of All-Time

Nothing like a good movie to kick back to after a remarkable surfing sesh. Even if you’re still learning how to surf, you’ll still find a movie here to keep you inspired….

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/ Nov 23, 2023

Best Books on Costa Rica

One of the absolute best ways to get excited about an upcoming trip is to research the place. This could be by reading blogs online (like you’re doing now!), listening to the…

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/ Nov 16, 2023

2022 Sustainability Initiatives

One thing that we take extremely seriously here at Bodhi Surf + Yoga is our commitment to our community and the world. We’re built on an ethos of social and environmental responsibility…

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Niyamas yoga birds hero image
/ Nov 9, 2023

Niyamas: What are They and How to Practice Them

Niyamas (Internal Observances)  The eight-limbs of yoga come from “The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.” The sutras is a philosophical text that instructs readers on living a meaningful life. This yogic vision is…

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The Yamas infographic hero image
/ Nov 2, 2023

Yamas: What are They and How to Practice Them

The Yamas — moral principles  The Yamas are the first limb in the eight-fold path of yoga, a holistic view of what it means to be a true “yogi.” Simply performing some…

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8 limbs of yoga hero image
/ Oct 26, 2023

Introduction to the 8 Limbs of Yoga: What are Each of Them?

The 8 Limbs of Yoga come from “The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali,” a philosophical text that teaches us how to live a meaningful life through a yogic vision called “Ashtanga.” Ashtanga, which…

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yoga for mobility hero image
/ Oct 12, 2023

Yoga for Mobility: 5 Yoga Poses for Surfers & Other Athletes

*This post was originally authored by Spencer Dunlap, former surf instructor at Bodhi Surf + Yoga As a former college athlete, lifeguard, and surf coach, I’m all too familiar with the many…

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sun salutation sequence hero image
/ Oct 5, 2023

Sun Salutation for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide

For those of you who want to start yoga but don’t know where to begin, Sun Salutations are the best answer. Sun Salutations, also known as Surya Namaskar, is a beginner-friendly sequence…

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Costa Rica documentary hero image
/ Sep 28, 2023

Watch These 5 Documentaries Before Visiting Costa Rica

If you’re anything like us, after booking your dream trip, you’re doing nonstop research to get yourself excited for your trip! Some of the best ways of doing this are looking at…

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