Outdoor Education

By combining surfing and yoga, our camp curricula has been designed with two intentions in mind: first, to teach (really teach), and delve deep into these influential practices and utilize our passion and knowledge to spark something within our guests; second, to harness these potentially revolutionary experiences in nature and help our guests identify them as compelling reasons to change their behavior once they get back to their normal lives. After years of working in marine tourism and outdoor education, we are convinced that a strong connection between individuals and the natural world - usually sparked by a powerful experience in the great outdoors - is necessary to becoming a committed conservationist. Our surf and yoga curricula are designed to do just that.

Ocean Guardian Program

In 2013, we created the Ocean Guardian Program, a way to solidify our own commitment to environmental education and marine conservation by involving our own network. We created the following: the Ocean Guardian Pledge, a way to formalize one's commitment to protecting Mother Ocean; the Ocean Guardian Digest, a tool for individuals to learn (or be reminded) about the concrete actions they can take in their own homes; and the Ocean Guardian Contest, an online contest that celebrates pro-environmental action taken by individuals. While the contest is no longer running as we have found more impactful ways to do this, it generated some very inspiring projects while it lasted!
A Film About Responsible Consumption

In 2016, we were the subjects of a documentary film called The Bodhi Wave by Toronto filmmaker Jazeen Hollings. She wanted to answer the following: How is a small surf and yoga camp located on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica inspiring its guests to fall more deeply in love with the greatest to the source of human life - nature? How is that love translating to pro-environmental behavior change once they go back home? The film goes beyond just being about Bodhi Surf + Yoga. It tells a story of a group of people who use their passions to change the world, of doing business responsibly, of endless learning and a desire for constant improvement.

Formal Research Studies

We have been participants in three different formal research studies which aim to glean the effects of nature-based, outdoor education and service-focused tourism. The first study, For-profit Environmental Voluntourism in Costa Rica: Host Community, Teen Volunteer, and Environmental Outcomes, is being conducted is by A.J. Schneller, Ph.D., Visiting Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies and Sciences at Skidmore College. The second study is conducted is being by Carter Hunt, Ph. D., Assistant Professor in the Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management department at Penn State University, and is entitled Forging Ocean Guardians: The Influence of Nature-Based Tourism Activities on Pro-Environmental Behavior. The third is a study in a climate change publication being co-published by the Center for Responsible Travel entitled Marine Tourism and Climate Change.
Corporate Responsibility Measures
Bodhi Surf + Yoga is built on an ethos of social and environmental responsibility, and our business a tool by which we forge a better world. Read on to see the various ways how.