Global Donations

As a member of a larger global community, we at Bodhi Surf + Yoga feel obligated to contribute on a global level, and one way we have been able to do that is by donating our services to different fundraising efforts to be resold or auctioned. Throughout the years, we have made donations to different groups, organizations, or movements whose values are aligned with our own. Since 2013, we have been making donations of our products and services to causes that are important to us.

Recipient organizations are most often within the industries of responsible travel, marine conservation, and plastic reduction, below are some we've supported in the past.

Responsible Travel

Promoting Responsible Travel


We donate annually to the nonprofit, the Center for Responsible Travel, for their amazing work advancing and advocating for responsible tourism, for 8 years. This global nonprofit is based in Washington, DC and is dedicated to increasing the positive global impact of responsible tourism. CREST provides evidence-based research and analysis to governments, policymakers, tourism businesses, nonprofit organizations, and international agencies to solve the most pressing problems confronting tourism, the world’s largest service industry.

Responsible Travel
Group surf lesson fun
Group surf lesson fun

Supporting Sustainable Businesses


We donate annually to B Lap, the nonprofit responsible for certifying B Corps. B Lab is transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet. We believe so strongly in the B Corp movement and are proud to support it via donating a vacation package for an auction to the B Corp network!

Giving back to the planet

Giving Back 1% for the Planet


We donate annually to the environmental nonprofit, 1% for the Planet, which represents a global network of businesses, individuals and environmental organizations tackling our planet's most pressing environmental issues. We are 1% for the Planet members and agree with their statement that "because companies profit from the resources they take from the earth, they should protect those resources."

Giving back to the planet

The Impact Beyond Our Shores

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Other global donations


Adventure Scientist

We donated a vacation package valued at $2,600 to Adventure Scientist, an environmental education nonprofit that "equips partners with data collected from the outdoors that are crucial to unlocking solutions to the world's environmental challenges" for their fundraising efforts.


5 Gyres

We donate to nonprofit 5 Gyres, a nonprofit organization that focuses on reducing plastic pollution in our oceans and on our planet, for two years running - in 2016 a vacation valued at $2,600 to their Outdoor Retailer event, and in 2017 another vacation valued at $2,600 to their Voices 4 Oceans Event.


Plastic Pollution Coalition

We donated a vacation package valued at $2,600 to the global alliance known as Plastic Pollution Coalition for a gala dinner event which aimed to raise funds and awareness about reducing single-use plastics on a global level.


The Bodhi Wave

In 2016, we donated $6,300 in Bodhi vacations and services to contribute to the production of The Bodhi Wave, a documentary on the challenges of unsustainable tourism practices and development in Costa Rica.

Corporate Responsibility Measures

Bodhi Surf + Yoga is built on an ethos of social and environmental responsibility, and our business a tool by which we forge a better world. Read on to see the various ways how.


Community Programs

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Community Investments

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Environmental Awareness

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Environmental Awareness

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Impact Reduction

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Impact Reduction

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Global Donation

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Responsible Travel

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