/ Feb 4

Why Choose Costa Rica for Your Next Family Vacation

Planning a family vacation can be a huge undertaking. Where should you go? How can you take the needs and desires of each family member into account? What kinds of activities will you do once you get there?

These are some big questions, and ones worth spending time and energy researching and contemplating. Ultimately, what really makes a family vacation a great one is spending quality time together:

  • Reconnecting outside of the craziness of normal life
  • Having some down time and relax as a unit
  • Sharing new experiences together

Family Surf Camp

A family surf vacation with Bodhi Surf + Yoga is a great opportunity to find all of those things in an engaging, relaxing, and safe way. With the ocean a short drive away, the howler monkeys in the canopies, a small and cozy lodge to rest in, and great food to fuel your adventure, it’s a great mixture of comfortable and novel. Long story short, you family surf vacation in Costa Rica is surely going to be one for the books.

If you are looking for travel tips and packing lists, take a peek at our in-depth look into the Bodhi Family Surf Camp with our guide what to expect and how to prepare. This guide is for those looking for how to make the most of their family vacation and the best ways to achieve memorable experiences for you and your family.

Beautiful, empty beach

A safe, outdoor, and engaging experience

There are many factors to weigh while deciding if travel in this era is for you and your family. Only you and your family can make that decision; however, if you are willing to travel, we can explain why a surf camp in Bahia Ballena, Costa Rica, is a stellar option.

First, we spend most of our time here outdoors. With an annual temperature range of about 22-35°C (or 72-95°F), being outdoors is the best option. There are so many open air activities to partake in: surfing, outdoor yoga, boat tours (whale watching, snorkeling, and more), kayak tours, zip lining, hiking, and more.

There is also much to be learned here. Many tour operators in Costa Rica do an excellent job of not just keeping participants entertained for a half or full day, but also teaching them about the different flora and fauna as well as history and culture. Costa Ricans are very proud of their country and love to share it with international visitors!

There are many ways to enjoy the beauty and learning opportunities that Costa Rica has to offer while also staying healthy and safe.

Surfing with family

Good, old-fashioned quality time together

When planning a family vacation, we often don’t think about this critical aspect. Travel is incredible in its own right, yet making room for quality time with the people you love most in this world is more important than ever.

Sometimes, the best memories are something as simple as playing road trip games during a long drive or cooking together or sharing a delicious meal. Some of life’s best lessons and stories come out of those spontaneous moments where you are all together enjoying one another’s company.

At Bodhi Surf + Yoga, we think that all time spent here is quality! With the balance of exciting activities and lazing about during down times, there is plenty of room for good conversation and shared laughs. Also, because five breakfasts and three dinners are taken care of by our wonderful cook, there is more time to spend enjoying yourselves and less time planning meals.

During down time between surfing and yoga, a guest favorite is playing one of the several board games we have in our common area — “Post It” is always a crowd pleaser! Quality time is time well spent with those you love, and at Bodhi Surf + Yoga that is exactly what we aim for.

Learning how to make coconut oil

Plenty of great activities for everyone

During a family vacation it can be difficult to keep everyone happy and entertained. When planning a great family trip it is important to make sure there is something for everyone — from the oldest member to the youngest!

Going somewhere exciting, like Costa Rica, can make that a breeze. There is something for the adrenaline junkie, the beach-lover, the wilderness adventurer, the yogi, the surfer, and the foodie.

In their top tips for planning a family vacation, Travel + Leisure suggests doing one really memorable thing together. Our suggestions?

  • Surfing together.
  • Doing yoga together.
  • Jumping off a waterfall together.
  • Snorkeling together.

At Bodhi Surf + Yoga, the whole family vacation can be that really memorable thing. With daily surf lessons and yoga sessions, our schedule is jam packed with great activities for everyone in the family.

You can even add on to the special experience, doing something like a coconut farm tour, a night hike, or a boat tour in beautiful Marino Ballena National Park!

An opportunity for learning

Traveling as a family is a great opportunity to learn — it could be a new skill or a cultural perspective or a passion. Travel is known to spark new insights and instill wonder at the world. So bringing the family along and making it a family vacation means that the opportunities for growth are exponential.

According to a recent survey, kids that travel reap many rewards: they are more accepting of other cultures, they have a stronger desire to explore, they are more curious and outgoing. The list goes on and on.

Travel experience with your family can be a wonderful opportunity to connect and grow together. One of the collective experiences has been loss of connection: with one’s own self, with one’s family, with nature, with one’s desire and purpose.

These have been challenging times for most of us, with stress and anxiety casting a cloud over our everyday lives. For this reason, finding opportunities for connection right now is of utmost importance, whether that’s travel or something more local for you.

At Bodhi Surf + Yoga, we want to do more than teach you and your family how to stand on a surfboard and do a tree pose. Our mission is to educate, inspire, and empower.

Each of our vacation options includes a community walking tour where our guide teaches guests about the history and people of Bahia Ballena and the flora and fauna we share it with.

Our surf instruction includes theory on basic marine conservation and oceanography and our yoga sessions introduce the spiritual and historic aspects of the practice. With your family, no matter how young or old, there is plenty to be learned here at Bodhi Surf + Yoga.

Surf Vacation for Families

Time to slow down and savor the moment

Between quality time and grand adventurous activities, it is also important to savor these moments. Time really truly flies when it comes to family and growing up. While having a full schedule is a good feeling during the planning stages of the trip before you get here, make sure you have down time and room for unplanned moments.

One of our owners, Travis, endeavors to live everyday “easy like Sunday morning.” It is a stellar mentality to have while on vacation (and in your everyday life). Take time to reflect on your family adventure and soak up each moment.

At Bodhi Surf + Yoga, we try to allow space for slowing down, for that Sunday morning feeling to wash over our guests. On a family surf vacation things can get hectic but leaving the planning to us makes it a little easier to let go and slow down.

We hope to be seeing you soon!

If these qualities of a family vacation seem to fit your ideal, we would love to see you here at Bodhi Surf + Yoga. Our Bodhi family cannot wait to meet yours.

Click here to learn more about the Bodhi Family Surf Camp.

And check out this blog post on how to prepare and what to expect when coming to Bodhi Surf + Yoga with your family.


The Bodhi Cookbook Author

Sheridan Plummer

Sheridan was a staff member at Bodhi from 2019-20. During her time, she worked on marketing, writing, and graphic design. She also got everyone at Bodhi Surf + Yoga addicted to her delicious baked goods, and now we all suffer deeply at her absence but wishes her the best in all of her ventures!
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